Support > Project Luangwa
Project Luangwa
Ensuring the people of the Luangwa Valley gain the full benefit of tourism by investing in Education
More than 600 km east of Zambia’s capital city on the edge of the famous South Luangwa National Park, Edulution has embarked upon its third cluster of rural centres.
Edulution serves 1200 learners from Grades 3-12 at 4 schools surrounding the Mfuwe community.
When the program began in April 2017, learners accessed tablets for the first time and immediately showed great interest in Khan Academy, mastering thousands of exercises. Project Luangwa is the sponsor partner.
Mfuwe Primary, Kapita, Nsefu & Chiwawatala Schools, Mfuwe
Learners on Program:
1200 students doing 3 hours per week
Program Objectives:
Foundational Maths Skills to support Grade 3 through Grade 12
Numeracy and Literacy Courses:
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie foundational courses
Location & Sponsor Partner:
Project Luangwa
Sponsor Model:
Pay for Progress