Support > Family Legacy
Family Legacy
Bringing hope to orphaned and vulnerable children.
At Family Legacy schools in 5 compounds around Lusaka, Edulution is offering our program to 1500 children from Grades 4-9.
Each child is receiving 3 hours of lessons on our numeracy or literacy foundational courses. Learners are able to work at their own pace, supported by our coaches while they strive towards reaching foundational maths and english excellence.
Family Legacy has been a sponsor since January 2017.
Solar power is utilised at 4 of the 5 centres as the grid supply is not dependable meaning our programmes can continue anywhere or anytime no matter the circumstance.
Bauleni, Chaisa, Kasangula, Mtendere and Chainda
Learners on Program:
Chibolya, George, Kanyama, Linda Community School, Bauleni, Chianda, Chaisa, Kasangula, Mtendere
Program Objectives:
Foundational Maths and Literacy
Numeracy and Literacy Courses:
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie foundational courses
Location & Sponsor Partner:
Family Legacy
Sponsor Model:
Pay for Progress

Bauleni was our first Family Legacy centre opening in early 2016. Learners attend weekly 3 hour Edulution sessions in the afternoon or morning when they are not in their regular classes.
Due to irregular and frequent load shedding from the nation’s power supply, Bauleni coaches use solar power to charge their tablets daily. Bauleni was our first urban centre to go completely off grid.

Mtendere Legacy Academy was the last of 5 Family Legacy centres to open. In July 2017, close to 300 learners were registered. Like Chainda, Mtendere is a maths/literacy cross centre with half the learners participating in the maths program and the other half in the IXL literacy program. At this centre, we have received very encouraging support from the staff for the Grade 4 – 6 learners whom are on the program.

Legacy Academy in Kasangula is a secondary school located in Lusaka north. Kasangula coaches direct learners to the Edulution playlists after they have sat their baseline tests. This focuses them on exercises and videos that will help them improve and ultimately pass their next test 4 months later.

Grades 5 and 6 students from the Family Legacy school in Chainda are partaking in one of Edulution’s first maths/literacy centres in Zambia. 150 learners receive our traditional maths foundational program 3 days of the week and an additional 150 learners log in to the IXL literacy program 2 days per week. The programme is well supported by staff members and there is a ton of learning going on!

Chaisa, located in one of our most vulnerable communities in Lusaka was our last Family Legacy centre to open in 2016. This centre is a primary school and we cater to learners as young as Grade 4 for 3 hours per week.